
Ancient Cities in Turkey Perga, Greek Perge, modern Murtina or Murtana, ancient city ofPamphylia, now in Antalya il (province), Turkey. It was a centre of nativeculture and was a seat of the worship of “Queen” Artemis, a purely Anatolian nature…

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Ancient Cities in Turkey Pergamum, Greek Pergamon, ancient Greek city in Mysia, situated 16 miles from the Aegean Sea on a lofty isolated hill on the northern side of the broad valley of the Caicus…

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Ancient Cities in Turkey Patara ( Lycia), later renamed Arsinoe (Ἀρσινόη), was a flourishing maritime and commercial city on the south-west coast of Lycia on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey near the modern small town of Gelemiş, in Antalya Province. It is the birthplace…

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